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This is my work using Photoshop by Adobe. Yes, it has some crazy stuffs going on.

David Cameron vs. Angry Cat


We've all seen the angry cat meme. This is a blend of David Cameron's angry face and the very famous cat. Photoshop is a very powerful tool and you can do many things with it. I took advantage of it and found an image on Google Images of David Cameron pulling a sad face. I immediately thought: "Angry cat!" and went into photoshop to produce this.


I did this simply by cutting out the face of David and putting it on top of the cat's. I smudged the eyes and other facial features of the cat so it didn't show up when changing the transparency of David's face to make him blend in a bit better. I rubbed the edges to make them a bit softer, so that it did not look too tacky and there you have it! Angry David Catmon.


Below is a picture of some guy off Google Images. I removed all ageing signs on his face and made his eyes bluer as to make him look younger. This is what photoshop is most commonly used for in the media.

Ever wanted to look 5 years younger, but never had the time for make-up?



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